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KURE GRINDING WHEEL offers a wide range of grinding wheels and related products and materials
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Straight Wheel
Alundum Wheel
32A Wheel
85A Wheel
GC Wheel
Orange colored WA Wheel
White colored WA Wheel
SG Wheel
Other Shapes
CBN Wheel
DIA Wheel
Depressed Center Wheels
Standard Series
Zircon Series
Flexible/Cutting-off Wheels
Tentomushi Series
Cutting-off Wheels
Dressing Tools
Serch by Industry
Electrical equipment and machinery
Metal machining
Machining of glass, ceramic, and fragile materials
Machining of composite materials
Serch by Grinding-Method
Company information
*We will provide a price after receiving your request of estimate.
■Vitrified bond wheel Due to high rigidity and strong bond, this wheel can achieve free-cutting without scratches. ■Resinoid bond wheel Due to elastic bond, this wheel can achieve high metal removal rate without chatter marks. Due to strong abrasives holding strength, this wheel provides long life with minute scratches.
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